Today brought cold and rain. The sombre weather matched the mood in our house.

The children sleep in until 8am, which is pretty much unheard of. I put it down to the mental load of having to process all this scary virus stuff.
Master 5 has meltdown after meltdown all day, leaving everyone else’s nerves frazzled.
There are bright spots – Cosmic Yoga, building marble races, making brownies. Rev G has introduced the children to the old Roadrunner cartoons, and my son says it’s his new favourite, favourite, favourite show. They help clean the house with little complaining.

The children get their kindness mail: today’s challenge is to come up with a new joke. Rev G and I write silly Limericks for my family’s weekly challenge. I do like how this forced isolation is fostering old-fashioned creativity.

The rain stops long enough for Rev G and kids to walk around the block, and for me to get outside and breathe in some fresh air. I keep looking at the garden, which needs working on. Only one adult is capable of doing it, and he is flat-tack with work right now.
Today I am grateful that we have all we need. Many poor souls queued in the rain today to get groceries. The limits on items for sale mean those with big households must shop daily, or almost daily.
My knee has improved after two days of rest, I am hoping it continues to improve as Rev G has to work again from tomorrow. It’s awfully hard to parent from the couch that I am resting on, and I feel bad for the extra jobs he has to do.
I google the weather forecast, and pray for better weather. We could all do with more time outside.