
Lock Down: Day One

I sleep badly again, falling asleep way after midnight.

I do, however, manage to get up for home group prayers. It’s lovely. There are several children clad in PJ’s, and they bring light to my day. It feels good to gather with other believers. Some of them are essential workers, some are married to essential workers. Some are juggling working from home with kids.

I feel better when someone says they aren’t sleeping either. Another reminder that I am not alone in this.

I spend more time in prayer, listening to Pray as You Go while exercising outside. I listen to Christian radio station, Rhema daily anyway, but find it even more comforting in these times. Unlike other stations with wall-to-wall doom and gloom, Rhema are talking about COVID-19 but not revelling in the drama of it. Instead they are repeatedly reminding their listeners of God’s promises.

They play Lauren Daigle’s song ‘Look Up Child”, and it has new meaning today:

Where are You now
When darkness seems to win
Where are You now
When the world is crumbling

Oh, I, I
I hear You say
I hear You say

Look up child
Look up child

Where are You now (Where are You?)
When all I feel is doubt
Where are You now
When I can’t figure it out

Oh, I, I
I hear You say
I hear You say

Look up child
Look up child
Look up child
Look up child
Look up…

You’re not threatened by the war
You’re not shaken by the storm
I know You’re in control
Even in our suffering
Even when it can’t be seen
I know You’re in control

Oh, I, I
I hear You say
I hear You say

Look up child
Look up child
Look up child
I hear You say, You say, You say
Look up child
I hear You say, You say, You say (Look up, look up, look up, look up)
Look up child
I hear You say, You say, You say
Look up child
I hear You say, You say, You say (Look up, look up, look up, look up)
Look up child
I hear You say, You say, You say
I hear You, I hear You calling my name, oh
Look up child
I hear You say, You say, You say (Look up, look up)
Look up child
Look up child
Look up

I spend more time going to the Lord in prayer.

I usually have lunch with Joyce Meyer (via her radio show), and a line from her stands out, “Focus on what you CAN do, not what you can’t do”.

The children and I have fun making obstacle courses for the local children going out on bear hunts. We see several neighbours. We chat briefly at a distance (across the street) from each other. We are all eager for a smile and a wave.

In the afternoon I am tired and let the kids watch too much TV, although Master D does spend a lot of it doing puzzles.

We have to venture out in the car – Rev G and I have flu jabs that were scheduled before the lockdown. The appointments were made together. We have to all go, we can’t leave the children at home! We get stares from people on the street who are walking or going to the supermarket. I’d like a sign that says “We are following orders, honestly!”

It was nice to get outside, even if just for a few minutes at the medical centre. There are lot of people out – all of whom are following physical distance orders. Oh the internet, there’s outrage at people flauting the rules. Obviously I haven’t been everywhere, but I suspect it’s like the panic-buying reporting. If you see story after story, then it must be everywhere, right? Don’t believe it folks.

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